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But I gotta have it
Watch out for the damage

(Vanessa Paradis, "Gotta Have It")

Undocumented Features

This chapter covers some undocumented features of hsc. Most of them are hardly tested, some of them are rather inconsistent. Also, I did not make much afford to explain them very well. Try to use them only inside macros, so you do not have to perform loads of modifications if some of these are renamed/changed for future versions.

Additional Operators

There are several boolean operators you can use within expressions: For numeric attributes, you can use operators for integer arithmetic: Currently there are no checks for out-of-range and division-by-zero etc., so take care. Empty strings count as ``0'', any text not consisting only of digits counts as ``1'' (no warnings). This seems to make sense for auto-casting BOOL (not sure about that).

Additional Tags

<$export> - Export Data To Files

This one can be used to export data to a file. Possile attributes:
Name of file where to write output. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten without any warning.
Data to store in the file
If the output file already exists, the new data will be appended with leaving the old contents intact.

Options File

On startup, hsc will look for an options file, which will be parsed for command line options before the actual command line options passed from CLI. Values set in the options file can be overwritten by command line options later.

The format of the options file is easy as can be: it consists of several lines, with every line containing one single options, and, if necessary, also a ``='' and a value. An example options file could look like this:
The options file always has to be named hsc.options.